Welcome to LawSentry!
We’re here to help smart digital platform owners prosper in today’s ever-changing legal and business environment, by safeguarding your journey into new territory.
Hi there!
Pooja Sinha, Founder and CEO was once a “Big Law” lawyer. Turning 300+ page documents into the wee hours of the night began to suck out all the joy from her life. Only when she launched her own practice serving smaller businesses did she find her calling: Rising to the challenge of deploying the old world arsenal of legal and compliance tools to meet the needs of new age clients and businesses.
She developed a special interest in digital platform businesses, viewing them as particularly underserved by traditional providers. She thrives on the challenge of drafting without precedents, whiteboarding solutions and writing short-and-sweet yet robust documents.
Through LawSentry, Pooja seeks to replicate the user experience of digital platforms - Quality Without Friction.
Effortlessly Marrying the Legal with the Practical in Legal/Compliance Documents.
We Speak the Language of Business.
6 Things You Need To Know About Us
We’re poised to provide targeted and affordable legal risk management solutions for start-ups and established businesses alike.
We are not a law firm, but we do offer alternative legal solutions for Founders looking to protect themselves from both anticipated and unanticipated threats to their operations.
Our focus is on helping business Founders preserve their mind space to focus on strategic business matters.
Our documentation solutions are written in plain English and are easy for stakeholders to read and understand.
We are completely transparent with our clients about what we do and do not know about the changing legal landscape.
Like this new economic environment, our services are ever-changing and evolving to meet the needs of Founders around the world.